Week 7 and Week 8 Highlights: A Deep Dive into My GSoC Journey with MusicBlocks


Are you ready to deep dive into the mesmerising world of MusicBlocks and witness the incredible progress made during weeks 7 and 8 of my GSoC journey? Join me as we take a  dive into the highlights that transpired, unveiling the magic behind this revolutionary musical coding platform.

This is the 3rd blog of the series, so I hope you’ve already perused my previous ones. Let’s dive in.

Overview of My Work on Week 7

This week, I worked on the resizing issue and continued to work on the scrolling issue.

  • Problem: When the user resizes the app, the canvas displays a strange output (which can be visible in below picture), such as a white block on the screen that makes the area unusable.
  • Solution: I made changes to the code and created a new function that handles all scenarios when the user resizes the window and refreshes the screen each time.
  • Benefits: This method resolves two issues: the white block on the screen and the drawing disappearing from the canvas during resizing which makes now user to save the image after clicking save button after resizing too.

Next, I tried some other methods for touch scrolling, such as using multitouch and creating a touch bar where users can scroll with their fingers. However, these methods did not work well and caused additional issues, such as crashing the app. As a result, I moved on to other things.

I am still working on both of these issues, and I hope to have a solution soon.

Overview of My Work on Week 8

This week, I continued working on the MusicBlocks touch-screen related issues. and was quite productive, as touchscreen scrolling is finally taking shape and working in a better way without any crashes. I tried a slightly different approach in which the user can make any block a joystick and revolve the project around it. They can then take that block anywhere in the canvas by revolving the whole canvas. Later I removed this feature for non-touch devices as we don’t need it on them.

I also worked on some other issues, such as translation, and translated some blocks into different languages. I still need to do some work, and I plan to complete it by next week..

Goals for week 9 and 10

In the coming weeks, I am planning to make scrolling more user-friendly on the touch screen. I will also be working on other issues, such as rendering problems  in some low-end devices, making the website more responsive, and a major update on the translation issues.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading about my progress so far and I will be back soon with more updates..

Thank you for reading!