Learn and Connect FAQ
How do I learn Music Blocks, and how do I connect to the broader Music Blocks community?
Music Blocks users — both students and teachers — are a growing community. Here are a few of the best ways to connect with the community.
How to Learn and Connect as a Student or Teacher, User or Developer
Whether you are a student, teacher, user, or developer (or all four!), answers to the most common questions are below about how to learn Music Blocks and connect to the broader Music Blocks community.
One way is by taking Music+Code classes through MAP Family Learning Center. The best way to schedule classes currently is by contacting them directly. You can email them at info@mapflc.com and they will do their best to accommodate your learning schedule. They offer both in-person (Malden, MA and Needham, MA) and online classes.
Another way is self-guided study. MAP Family Learning Center publishes lesson plans at https://mapflc.com/lesson-plans/ for you to follow and learn. (NOTE: A more interactive self-guided version of the lesson plans are currently in development. The courses are incomplete (as of 7/1/21), but you can try the first lesson at https://mapflc.com/topic/basics/)
MAP Family Learning Center offers occasional classes for teachers which we announce at https://mapflc.com/events/.
You are also encouraged to join the Newsletter for this site as we offer important information for teachers.
MAP Family Learning Center publishes lesson plans at https://mapflc.com/lesson-plans/ for you to follow and learn. You may use these in your lesson plans in your classes. If you would like to hire professional consultation for your classes/school, please contact devin@remakemusic.net
You are encouraged to join our group chat on Matrix at https://matrix.to/#/#music-blocks:matrix.org where both students and teachers share their recent projects and ask questions.
You are also encouraged to join the Newsletter for this site as we share news and updates from the community.
If you have a project you want to share on this website, you are encouraged to create your own blogpost.
You are encouraged to visit the GitHub page where Music Blocks development is happening. https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/
You are also encouraged to join the Sugar Labs mailing lists for developers. https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Mailing_Lists
Lastly, the Matrix chat is a great way to chat in real-time about the most recent developments in Music Blocks. Please join our room at https://matrix.to/#/#musicblocksdev:matrix.org
Whether you have a question about lessons, features, development, or just about something you see (or did not see) on this website, you can always reach out to me, Mr. Devin, music teacher and co-creator of Music Blocks visual programming language. Just go to https://musicblocks.net/contact-mr-devin/ and ask your question.
Currently, the most relevant tags are #musiccode and #musicblocks | When you share Music Blocks projects, you are encouraged to use these tags as a reference. For example, please see https://mastodon.social/web/timelines/tag/musicblocks as well as https://twitter.com/hashtag/musiccode and https://twitter.com/hashtag/musicblocks | You may also consider following uas on https://mastodon.education/@musicblocks (recommended), https://twitter.com/MAP_learning and/or https://gnusocial.net/maplearning/
If you are on Facebook, you can follow MAP Family Learning Center for updates and classes via https://www.facebook.com/MAPFamily | Please keep in mind that Facebook systematically surveils its “users”.
MAP Family Learning Center’s YouTube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1olBoCMSmGJzj8XLPdnmg which you may also access via Invidious at https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCB1olBoCMSmGJzj8XLPdnmg | The latter option protects you from Google’s systematic surveillance.
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