How to Make a Tuner with Music Blocks

Make it Yourself!

One of the best things about Music Blocks is that it encourages the user to build useful tools. Instead of just downloading an app from a central repository (i.e. app store), one is given all they need to create something they can use for themselves.

Also, once the basics are in place then you can remix the tuner to suit your purposes, or just remix it for fun.

Pitch Block

Music Blocks has an almost endless number of features and one feature, which has been present for a while but not completely functional, is the “pitch” block which uses your computer’s microphone to detect pitch. Special thanks to GSoC student Saksham for his efforts to fix this feature (See

Can’t wait?

Want to try the tuner right now? Try a tuner at or (Latter is more experimental version of Music Blocks). Feel free to use it to tune your instrument. Feel free to remix it for your own purposes.