New Widget Pitchstaircase !!

As part of the Google Summer Of Code I am assigned to implement 4 widgets, I started with Rhythm Ruler and I am almost done with this widget, so I have begun work on the next widget called “Pitch Staircase”.

It is basically a widget to explore the concept of frequency of a pitch, musical ratios and proportions.

Until now the widget has the functionality as described below :

Initializing with given pitch block :

The widget initialize according to the given pitch block as input having argument as note name and octave.

For example ->

In the figure below the Pitch Staircase generates the widget like this :


As part of the inner HTML the stair also have the frequency corresponding to the note and octave given in the input.

Applying Musical Proportions ->

The widget also have the functionality to form a new stair by applying musical ratio and the length for the new stair is directly proportional to the wavelength for that stair.

For Example ->

In figure given below the stair -> D5 587 is generated when G4 391 is applied with musical proportion 3:2 ( perfect fifth ).


PlayBack ->

All stairs generated can be played individually and simultaneously also.

For example->

The stair D5 587 in figure above sound like this -> click here.

And for simultaneous playback the configuration in the figure below sounds like this – >  click here.


As stairs are played they are highlighted.

What I would do next ->

Implement Save feature.

Resolve bugs if any.

All pitches to play back simultaneously for a “play all” feature.